Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Guess where? Second Chance

Second chance to win!!!!
Where was I standing when I took this photo (you must be more specific than "the mountains")?
I will be donating $1 to Big Brothers/Big Sisters (my little Sister and I are part of the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Alumni) for every guess (one guess per person).
The person who has the correct answer first, will win a $125 gift card for Render's Photography and a signed book from Author Andrew Lueck. His book is a winner with Children. It's called Chicabee. (

Contest is open to all Facebook Fans.
Post your answer on my Facebook profile or on my blog. Not a Render's Photography Facebook Fan? Sign up here.

One winner per contest set (this set will run for 6 weeks).

The contest will close on Wednesday, June 17th.
The winner will be revealed when the contest ends.
So go ahead and guess, don't be shy............... give it a try.

WINNER, WINNER............. Selina Rupers won. It's Moran State Park on Orcas Island. Congratulations.

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