Monday, March 2, 2009

Sierra Rose is ONE...............

Sierra Rose (my Niece) turned one in Feb. She has been walking since about 9.5 months old. I think she actually skipped crawling and walking and went straight to running. It's so fun to watch her when she tries to mimic her Big Sister Sydney and her Big Cousin Morgan (whom are 7 and 8). Sierra has the best blue eyes that just really stand out in her pictures. You'll see that here. She liked to play peek a boo and chase kitties (run kitty, run)! The best part of taking one year pics, is the old fashioned white wicker chair. Kids LOVE it and it help to keep them in one place. Oh, that and rocks.

This image cracks me up. Sierra wan't sure about the dress and kept trying to rip it off. This is her frustrated face. She is not sure what to do next.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok, Sierra is a little Morgan clone! And, her older sister (Sydney?) looks like her mama!

Great pics Michele! (as usual!)